Il nous parle de son « amazing season » !
Kiel week, Silver rudder, 500mn Danmark Race. Le bateau a vraiment tout gagné.
Sur la Silverrudder (la plus relevée des courses off shore) les JPK (1080 et 1010) trustent toutes les 1ères places…
Cocorico !!
Un mail qui fait vraiment plaisir à toute l’équipe JPK.
« I just wanted to say thank you again for the absolutely great boat I got from you. We had an amazing season. We really managed to win every race we participate this year overall!

Slowly I think that we understand the boat more and more and I am really impressed how well the 10.10 sails in many different conditions. I have optimized the sail plan a bit. We were able to significantly improve the Upwind performance this year and the new Codezero / Gennaker we can use together with the Genoa as Staysail up to 20 kn TWS and 90 TWA. I am a bit worried how much load the rig can tolerate in this configuration.
At the beginning of the season, we sailed against Milou and Frida around Denmark (500 nm). And we were able to beat both in real time without correction! 🙂 Especially the last 70 miles were great with reaching coditions with around 25 kn TWS and between 90 and 145 TWA. On these last miles, we took over 90 minutes of one of the best German Italia 9.98. 🙂
At the end of September at the silverrudder, Bernd and his Milou and me were able to win our Classes. Solo with gusts up to 50 kn TWS very close to shore, it was a bit of work. 🙂
The boat always feels realy safe. cool…..
The idea with the 1030 is very exciting. As far as I’ve read, she should plane earlyer and faster.
Will she have the same righting moment as the 10.10? or does she need the speed through the water to be stable? Does she need water ballast? or foils? Will she need more downwind to reach the rating? Could she also win the Fastnet for example? Or is she a boat for the Transquadra? Sorry for all the questions. Probably I have to come to Lorient again to test it myself 🙂
Kind Regards
Jonas 10.10 Nr.44 😊 »